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Committed to developing innovative designs to meet existing market applications and anticipated new applications.
To progress our goals and advance the state-of-the-art, ECI performs dielectric research and capacitor development. Dielectric research includes the ability to solvent cast small sample rolls of material from experimental resins. ECI converting can slit the rolls to winding reels allowing first evaluation of film-foil capacitors – all from just a kilo of resin. ECI owns and operates a dielectric division producing polycarbonate and other proprietary dielectrics.
ECI performs PDA (physical destructive analysis) as a service to customers analyzing capacitors. Reports include picture trail of analysis, test data collected, discussion of failure mode, and potential causes identified. ECI engineering will analyze the application when provided, combined with the results of the PDA, to recommend corrective actions and design improvements upon request. Contact us today to learn more!